Unlawful Entry
Starbucks at Gelman Library 02/06/13 – 2:55 to 3:10 p.m. Case closed
A staff member complained of a man shoplifting and eating an allegedly stolen sandwich. Although it could not be confirmed that he stole the food, he had been previously barred from campus and was arrested.
Subject arrested
Liquor Law Violation
Duques Hall 02/06/13 – 10:05 p.m. Case closed
University Police officers responded to a report of a female who had attempted to take a male student’s jacket. On assessing the female subject, she was determined to be an intoxicated alumna and was transported to the GW Hospital for treatment.
Subject barred from campus
Drug Law Violation
Off campus 02/07/13 – 12:02 a.m. Case closed
UPD received a call from U.S. Park Police saying that two male students were arrested for marijuana possession at the park at 20th Street and Virginia Avenue.
Referred for disciplinary action
Attempted Theft
Mount Vernon Campus 02/08/13 – 2:45 p.m.
A staff member reported that a former contractor was taking scrap metal from a dumpster on campus. The suspect was confronted at the scene and fled.
Open case
Simple Assault
600 block of 23rd Street 02/10/13 – 1:26 a.m. Case closed
A student spit on and attempted to assault a UPD officer while he was being transported to GW Hospital for acute intoxication.
Referred for disciplinary action
Disorderly Conduct
Mitchell Hall 02/11/13 – 2:05 a.m. Case closed
UPD received a report of a suspicious odor. Housing staff responded but refrained from conducting a search, lacking sufficient cause. However, the male resident was very belligerent and became disorderly with officers and staff on the scene.
Referred for disciplinary action
Compiled by Aaron Goodtree