Presidential candidates will participate in a debate Monday at 8 p.m. in the Jack Morton Auditorium
Name: Charles James “C.J.” Calloway
Year: Junior
Hometown: Raleigh, N.C.
Major: International Finance
Clubs/Activities: Tsunami Campus Relief Effort, director of operations and administration for the Black Student Union, treasurer of the George Washington Williams House for African American Culture, former Colonial Cabinet member, former Peer Leadership Mentor.
SA experience: Undergraduate School of Business senator, Senate Rules Committee member, SA Special Committee on Academic Advising member.
Web site:
Endorsements: American Medical Student Association, Philippine Cultural Society, SAYTAM, GW Williams House, Sikh Student Association
*Creating a Path to Success program: an online and walk-in service that would give students a map of where to go and who to talk to for their questions.
*Creation of a campus-wide tutor file.
*Creating a customer service assurance program that will hold University departments accountable for their customer service.
If you could fix one problem at the University, what would it be? Create an official student union because the Marvin Center doesn’t meet students’ needs.
Who is your favorite GW basketball player? “Pops-Mensah-Bonsu, because he brings energy to the court.”
If your SA budget was given an extra $10,000, how would you spend it? It would go directly to student organizations in the form of direct funding and co-sponsorships.
Name: Jon Ostrower
Year: Junior
Hometown: Brookline, Mass.
Major: Political Communication
Clubs/Activities: Member of Alpha Epsilon Pi, vice president of the Residence Hall Association, director of Student Judicial Advisors.
SA experience: Worked as liaison between Senate and Residence Hall Association, cabinet-level position as director of Student Judicial Advisors.
Web site:
Endorsements: The Daily Colonial
*Set up an online waiting list for class registration.
*Create a three-day majors fair where students can have questions about advising and job opportunities answered.
*Medical amnesty for students who call in an emergency related to drugs or alcohol.
If you could fix one problem at the University, what would it be? “I would create a real student center for students to come to and always have a place to meet.”
Who is your favorite GW basketball player? “T.J. Thompson, because last year’s miracle lay-up (against Dayton) holds a special place in my heart.”
If your SA budget was given an extra $10,000, how would you spend it? Put it toward the University Counseling Center, so that students know they have a place to go to if they need help and making sure they have adequate funding.
Name: Henry Roosevelt
Year: Sophomore
Hometown: Philadelphia
Major: undecided
Clubs/Activities: Student Athlete Advisory Committee, GW crew team
SA experience: none
Web site:
Endorsements: none
*Better relations between student organizations and the SA.
*Promote competition between different undergraduate classes.
*Save students money by reducing washing and drying machine costs by 25 cents
If you could fix one problem at the University, what would it be? “I would fix the relationship between all students here – we need to embrace our differences.”
Who is your favorite GW basketball player? “Pat Joyce, because he’s the underdog, and when he gets in, he’ll give 100 percent.”
If your SA budget was given an extra $10,000, how would you spend it? “I’d ask students where they want it to be spent. After all, the SA is about students.”
Name: Audai Shakour
Year: Junior
Hometown: Mountainview, Calif.
Major: International Affairs
Clubs/Activities: Organization of African Students board member, NAACP business and economic empowerment chair, Phi Kappa Sigma law fraternity member
SA experience: Member of Isaiah Pickens’s undergraduate policy team
Web site:
Endorsements: South Asian Society, Phi Kappa Sigma, Think Tank Revolution
*Creation of a student services announcement center.
*GBay online web portal, similar to Craig’s List.
*Fiscal responsibility: cutting excess and giving more money to student organizations.
If you could fix one problem at the University, what would it be? “Too often, students with a question are referred from one office to another office without getting a straight answer. I will change that.”
Who is your favorite GW basketball player? “Maureece Rice. He knows how to put them in.”
If your SA budget was given an extra $10,000, how would you spend it? “I would give it to student organizations and what they give to the University.”
Name: Lamar Thorpe
Year: Sophomore
Hometown: Los Angeles
Major: Women’s Studies and Sociology
Clubs/Activities: Debate team, NAACP member, Progressive Student Union, Organization of African Students, Organization of Latin American Students.
SA experience: Judicial Student Advisor
Web site:
Endorsements: none
*More student empowerment.
*Community building.
*Two-way communication between the SA and students.
If you could fix one problem at the University, what would it be? The gap between the student government and the student population.
Who is your favorite GW basketball player? “All of them are my favorite – they all came in to my room when I started as a transfer student to welcome me.”
If your SA budget was given an extra $10,000, how would you spend it? “I would use the money for students when they’ve exhausted every means to get a student loan.”
Name: Ben Traverse
Year: Junior
Hometown: Vestal, N.Y.
Major: Political Science
Clubs/Activities: Two-term Student Association senator, Rules Committee chairman, chair of Guide to Student Rights and Responsibilities, chair of Constitutional Revision Commission.
Web site:
Endorsements: College Democrats, National Society of Collegiate Scholars, The Out Crowd, GW Pride, Generic Theater Company, Mitchell Hall Council.
*Create peer advising program and new SA Web site.
*Taking a stand on medical amnesty, overcrowded classrooms, and better dining options for students.
*Creating a GW coupon book, an SA textbook exchange and offering peer advisors where University is lacking.
If you could fix one problem at the University, what would it be? Guide to Student Rights and Responsibilities and Student Judicial Services to actually offer rights to students.
Who is your favorite GW basketball player? “J.R. Pinnock because of ‘The Shocker.'”
If your SA budget was given an extra $10,000, how would you spend it? Money would go directly back to student organizations. SA Web site with free textbook exchange, off-campus housing guide for students interested in off-campus residences and a coupon book for students.
Program board Chair
Name: Tyler Coffey
Year: Junior
Hometown: Booth Bay Harbor, ME.
Major: International Affairs and German
Clubs/Activities: International Affairs Society
PB experience: administrative assistant, advertising chair, executive vice chair
Web site: none
Endorsements: none
Platform (running unopposed):
*More student involvement in the Program Board.
*More student feedback after our events.
*Continue to try to get more things students want.
If you could fix one problem at the University, what would it be? “I think the biggest thing we end up fighting is student apathy. I would like to see more students involved in the Program Board.”
Who is your favorite GW basketball player? “Pops Mensah-Bonsu, because I hear his name the most, and it’s good marketing.”
If your PB budget was given an extra $10,000, how would you spend it? I would probably spend it to get bigger name acts for Fall Fest and Spring Fling.
SA Executive Vice President
Name: Morgan Corr
Year: Sophomore
Hometown: Pittsburgh
Major: Political Science
Clubs/Activities: College Democrats, GW Pride, The Out Crowd, Student Association, University Students on Board
Web site: www.gwreform.comMorganCorr
Endorsements: National Society of Collegiate Scholars, The Out Crowd,
College Democrats, College Republicans.
SA experience: Undergraduate Columbian College senator, vice chair of the Rules Committee.
Platform (running unopposed):
*Creating a guide to student rights
*Getting more options for dining across the University
*Reforming the way the SA interacts with the University and cutting down on SA Senate bickering.
If you could fix one problem at the University, what would it be? To get voting student representation on the Board of Trustees.
Who is your favorite GW basketball player? No response.
If your SA budget was given an extra $10,000, how would you spend it? Broadening the service the SA provides by creating a Web site, to expand the service base of the SA.