Lesser, Cady win doubles tennis
Jonathan Lesser and Steven Cady outlasted 15 other teams to win the 2003 doubles tennis tournament on Sunday, Sept. 21.
Lesser and Cady finished pool play with a 3-0 record and advanced to the semifinals, where they won by default over David Upbin and Seena Ghaznavi. In the finals, they defeated last year’s champions, Rob Sterner and Chris Worthington, 8-3.
The doubles tourney was the first of over 40 intramural sports championships this year.
Indoor soccer kicks off
The 2003 five-on-five indoor soccer league kicked off Sept. 14 with an all-time high of 54 teams. Teams compete once a week in their given division, and all teams with a .500 or better record will make the postseason.
Two weeks into the season, the Sunday co-recreational league features three unbeaten teams, while Wednesday’s open league has at least five teams that are expected to compete for the trophy this season, including last year’s five-on-five champion, Africa United.
Fraternities battle it out on Monday nights for Greek-letter supremacy. Open leagues on Tuesday, Friday and Sunday and co-recreational leagues on Tuesday and Thursday round out the field of 54, which will eventually be dwindled down to two league champions.
Upcoming events
Several intramural leagues and tournaments will begin in October, including flag football, squash, bowling, billiards, basketball and floor hockey.
There will also be a Colonials Weekend Golf Tournament on Saturday, Oct. 18, at Virginia Oaks Golf Course. The winning two-person team in that event will be flown to Orlando, Fla., to compete in a regional tournament for the National Collegiate Golf Championships. Students can compete with parents or fellow GW students.
For more information, see gwired.gwu.edu/gwellness and click on “Intramural Sports.”
-compiled by Brian Costa