Saturday marks one of the seminal moments in a GW student’s Washington experience. By virtue of the term of the presidency coinciding with the standard duration of college, every GW student theoretically has the opportunity to witness and perhaps even participate in a presidential inauguration. GW students should not squander their position as witnesses to history.
Although the ceremony for the most part has become routine, this year’s festivities appear unusually exciting. With the cloud of controversy under which George W. Bush arrives on the Capitol steps to assume the presidency Jan. 20 at noon, protests are scheduled along the parade route of Pennsylvania Avenue and even on Capitol Hill. GW is hosting its own inaugural ball next door to the site for the “Black Tie and Boots” event, one of the seven official balls, which may very well see a visit from the first family.
Whether protesting the incoming administration or cheering the passing of power, students should not miss what is perhaps the most important event in American political life.