SA president
David Burt
Friends: It is time for the students of this University to come together to form a more communicative and responsible SA. The real opportunity in being SA President lies in advocating for students like you. For true representation and three years of experience vote David Burt for SA President!
Abby Lestition
I’m the girl sitting in the stands at home games. I’m the girl you bump into at the clubs. I’m the girl, with Pat, to stand up and speak out. I’m the girl who will remember who she was elected by. I’m Abby, the student to elect for SA President.
Jeff Marootian
The Student Association is about service, not politics. As President, I will make the Student Association a real resource for the GW community. I have worked hard during the past three years to better our University. I hope to continue to serve GW as student association president. I appreciate your support!
Atif Qarni
Despite our great cultural diversity on campus, GW lacks a unifying mission I’ve made my candidacy a model for what I believe the SA should be. By pursuing a plan of advocacy, accessibility and action, we can create a university that works.
David York
I will implement new online services, including an exam and syllabus database, instructor and course reviews, a used book auction, adviser schedule approvals, off-campus housing reviews, discounted travel, lower long-distance costs and a number of other initiatives. Please see www.york to learn how I will make these projects a reality.
SA executive vice president
Heather Fink
Vote for me, Heather Fink, because you feel that I will do the job right, and I will do the job well, and in turn, I will fulfill your expectations and achieve greatness for GW students.
Pat McLaughlin
Abby and I share the same belief that the SA should be a team of motivated students (who actually have lives outside of SA politics). Hanging out and eating where you do gives us an edge because we haven’t been wasting our time serving you empty promises (and crappy food).
Cathy Resler
I’m Cathy Resler, currently an SA senator, on the Dining Services Commission and library advisory board. My mission is for increased communication, a set percentage of our student fee and making University expansion work for us instead of against us. Cut through the red tape, vote Cathy Resler for EVP.
Chris Voss
On February 29 and March 1 you’ll have the opportunity to exchange initiatives for insults and expect less talk, more action from the SA. During the past three years, I’ve had a history of responding to your problems with real solutions and as your EVP I will continue this tradition.
CSAS undergraduate senator
Joseph Ardito
I have enjoyed serving as your freshman senator this year. My experiences have familiarized me with the operations of our student Senate and Student Association. I’m confident that I will be able to communicate your concerns to the administration and, working with the other elected officials, bring about meaningful results.
Yohannes Demoz
As a candidate, my primary concern is my fellow students. I don’t promise Coke, but I promise realistic representation, a person who will call you back on a concern and work hard to make possibilities realities. I’m here for you, so contact me: [email protected]. Relationships are the key.
Dave Feldman
The SA cries out for reform. It’s time to act, to act on ideas such as bringing back housekeeping, getting vegetarian options on weekends and smaller class sizes for our 100-level courses. As senator, I will initiate these reforms and bring integrity back to your leadership. Vote Dave Feldman.
Alice Lingo
Current CSAS students don’t know they have representatives on the student Senate. As senator, I would never let that occur. I will properly represent the Columbian School by knowing students in the school, understanding their problems and working to correct them; from security worries and food complaints to advising problems.
Jade Nester
The Student Association needs to actually focus on the students. How can the SA represent the students if they never communicate with them? If elected, I’ll promote communication between the SA and the students through newsletters, town halls and more publicized meetings. Make your concerns heard, vote Jade for CSAS!
Sarah Palacios
As a current and future Mount Vernon campus resident I would like to represent the needs of my fellow MV residents. As a member of the CSAS, I would like to see smaller class sizes, English standards for professors and TAs, increased dining options and more effective SA representation.
Gerome Rothman
Don’t just sit there and take it! The Student Association currently ignores your priorities. Our SA will be an accountable, accessible and productive advocate for students if we rise up and say there has got to be a better way. End internal politics and establish a meaningful student government. Let the outsider in!
Josh Rothstein
My message is simple: Leadership, Experience and Unity. I will fight to stop tuition increases and lower class sizes. To put housekeeping back into all residence halls. To strengthen academic advising, protect student groups and push for Greek-letter autonomy. Help retain the Senate’s only voice of reason. Vote Josh Rothstein!
Jorge Sanchez
I seek the CSAS Senate seat to represent my fellow students:
1. To make the Career Center more student friendly.
2. Reduce department requirements to enable students to double major or minor.
3. Participate in governance process of the CSAS.Vote for Jorge Sanchez – the people’s candidate.
Andrew Wiseman
I am dropping out of the Senate race because I am going abroad. However, I urge all candidates to avoid divisive politics and stick to the issues, not to the gimmicks. I thank you all for your support, and I hope that those elected make a stand for the students.
ESIA undergraduate senator
Shira Kimmel
ESIA List – better TAs, efficient academic advising, language options, flexibility with double majors. The question is – who will lead the ESIA students into the next millennium to achieve these goals? A strong leader who will build a support structure for students and faculty. I’m not the Princess of Power for nothing.
Seema Talwar
The SA exists to help students. Its foremost goal should be to guarantee students a forum to voice their concerns, desires and needs. Under my leadership I will ensure that the number of services the University and the Elliott School offer be maintained and expanded. An SA with accountability and transparency is my foremost concern. Vote for Seema – a senator with Experience, Leadership and Dedication.
SBPM undergraduate senator
Jimmy Cannatti
If elected as SBPM Senator, I plan on focusing less on politics and more on issues, including the overcrowding of classrooms, increasing study abroad opportunities and SBPM input to the Senate. I also plan to work with other senators to readjust the funding of student organizations.
Jeremy Loew
As SBPM senator, I intend to seek more action and less talk out of the SA Senate while focusing on two key issues for the Business School: updating modules and offering more class sections. I plan on working to gain more support for Greek-letter groups and additional money for student groups.
Undergraduate at large senator
Joe Bondi
Dwight David Eisenhower once said the qualities of a great leader are vision, integrity, courage, understanding, the power of articulation and profundity of character. A vote for Joe Bondi would make Ike proud. Vote Joe Bondi for undergraduate at large.
Jayne Du
Thrust into the wilds, I came to GW unguided, misdirected and confused. I pledge to give what I wish to have received for myself. Open to others opportunities that lie hidden within and take back GW for the students, and with that I promise accessibility, communication, dedication, service and change.
Sean Jamieson
Something happens here. It’s time to real
ly make something happen here for the students. Establishing a better system of funding student groups, lessening the response time for 4-RIDE and expanding our choices at J Street are some of my concerns. Let’s work together and make our hopes and dreams a reality.
Manny Sanchez
Enthusiastic and involved, I am committed to representing the concerns and needs of the GW undergraduate population. The Student Association Senate is in desperate need of leadership, and I can provide it. As elections loom closer the choice becomes easier. Vote Manny Sanchez!
Matt Silverstein
My name is Matt Silverstein, and I want to be elected undergraduate at large. I feel that the SA needs to start working as a team and actually get work done that benifits students. Let’s get the SA insiders out of there, and get real views in the SA.
PB executive chair
Seth Weinert
Results count! As corporate relations chair, I brought more than $2,000 of goods and services to GW students. As executive vice chair, I helped GW student groups coordinate, finance and run their programs. Vote for me and I’ll continue working hard to bring you the events you want! Zeitzer
The best ideas come from you! New and interesting programs are a vote away. Vote for the candidate that has proven himself to be tirelessly dedicated to the one organization that truly loves you back. Ian Zeitzer for Program Board executive chair!
PB executive vice chair
Ni-Cheng Liang
Dance with Ni! Dance with Ni! Vote Ni for PB EVC! You’re gonna see more help from PB! Let me help your events happen. And together we’ll both be rappin’! Been on the P-Board for three years! Election time is near! So vote Ni for PB EVC!
Alicia O’Neil
Who C.A.R.E.S. about PB elections? I certainly do, and so should you. Why? Because it is your money, and your PB. A vote for Alicia O’Neil guarantees Commitment, Accessible funds, Respect, Experience and Support for your programs. You deserve a candidate who C.A.R.E.S. Vote Alicia O’Neil for executive vice chair!
Marvin Center Governing Board
Elizabeth Cox
As a Greek, STAR, SA vice president and member of other student groups, I’m qualified to be on the MCGB. I will work as a liaison between students and the administration, ensuring your concerns are heard and answered regarding the Marvin Center and its renovation. Vote Elizabeth Cox for MCGB.
Peter Frost
Experience! I am currently both vice and finance chair of the Marvin Center Governing Board and previously a senior building manager in the Marvin Center. The Marvin Center is our student union, I know how it works, and I will continue to make it better. Vote for FROSTY!