School Without Walls administrators evacuated the school building Friday after a bomb threat was called in.
All students and staff at the D.C. public high school, which has close ties with GW, were taken to the Smith Center for an hour and a half, as the building was swept. The call came into the school at 1 p.m. Friday.
“We have to take it seriously,” said Centra Johnson, an administrative aide at the school.
She said the call came to the main office, and Johnson attempted to trace it. She said this was the first time in recent memory a threatening call came directly to the school. Previous bomb threats, including two last spring, were called into the District’s 911 number and applied to all schools in the District.
Johnson said the school has been taking precautions to limit the number of people who enter the school.
“We try to keep only a few entrances open,” she said. “We want to keep it where you can only enter or exit in one of two places.”
University Police Director Dolores Stafford said she was concerned that her department was not contacted because the school, at 2130 G St., is in the middle of many University buildings.
“We review the threat and make a decision which buildings, if any, need to be evacuated, including the building the threat was called into,” she said.
A Metropolitan Police spokesman said his office had not received any information about the threat. Johnson, however, said she believed several other D.C. schools also received threats Friday afternoon.
-Matt Berger