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The GW Hatchet

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Staff Editorial: Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down

Thumbs Up: Basketball season starting
Not everybody is hopeful about this basketball season, largely due to the inexperience of a good part of both the men’s and women’s rosters this year. But even with younger teams, we are excited about the start of the season. Win or lose, we encourage everybody to get out and attend the games to support the team.

Thumbs Down: Obama community service challenge
GW has been slow to roll out VolunteerMatch, a program that will enable individuals to log community service hours much more efficiently than the old Office of Community Service Web site. With only 19,000 hours reported and almost half the school year passed, GW needs to step up to the plate if we want to hear Michelle in May. Additionally, GW should clarify exactly what will qualify to ensure GW lives up to its end of the bargain. Where is the challenge if we include activities like Federal Work Study?

Thumbs Up: University saves money on energy costs
GW saved $950,000 from July 2008 to the end of June 2009 by cutting down on energy costs. This amounts to a reduction of over 4,500 metric tons of CO2, according to Director of Planning and Environmental Management Nancy Giammatteo. This frees up a significant amount of money that could be put toward more environmentally friendly initiatives. It’s great to see GW saving some green by going green.

Thumbs Down: Georgetown anti-gay assaults
Georgetown campus media reported two separate incidents of suspected anti-gay assaults on students at the school last month, making for a very frightening situation for our D.C. neighbors. These hate crimes are shocking and deplorable; hopefully the perpetrators are apprehended soon and civility resumes.

Thumbs Up: Fulbright Scholars
In October, the Chronicle of Higher Education announced that the number of Fulbright Scholars from GW doubled this year, putting it on a list of top 10 scholar-producing schools – above many Ivy League universities. This is an extremely commendable accomplishment for those Colonials honored, and this recognition of their achievements in academics has proven very positive for the University. We hope that GW and its students can maintain this excellence in years to come.

Thumbs Down: Vandalism in Ivory
Continued vandalism in Ivory Tower has plagued current residents in the past few weeks, and has forced GW to address the destruction by urging students to report incidents to UPD. These actions are detrimental to student life in the shared space, so please, don’t rip up the tiles in the elevators.

Thumbs Sideways: Hatchet athletics
The Hatchet’s intramural volleyball team, the aptly named “Bad News Bears” goes 1-1 in the season so far. Led by our fearless and intimidating captain Sarah Scire, the team feels ready for any challengers foolish enough to play against us without an illegal number of volleyball club members. Players to watch: Adam Rozell, Emily Cahn and Krystal Garvin.

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