Meet your match: how Tinder and Grindr shape on-campus hookup culture
A junior took a chance and began going out on “Tinder dates” – meeting up for dinner with one guy in DuPont, who confessed to seeing demons at night on the second date. The app created plenty of bizarre moments – including unsolicited illicit pictures – and so many creepy messages that she began the hashtag #winnersoftinder on her Instagram.

Jonah Lewis: How Grindr and Tinder make our generation sex positive
We shouldn’t downplay the positive influence these apps have had on college culture. Jokes and awkwardness aside, the proliferation of apps like Tinder and Grindr has liberalized our sexual and romantic lives, and helped open up needed conversations about sex.

In the Buff: A forbidden fling in gender-neutral housing
We all expect to learn to live with roommates in college, but sleeping with them is a different story. Some background: I’m Casey, The Hatchet’s new female sex columnist. I’m here to tell you some of my awkward stories so you can feel better about yours.

In the Buff: When looking to get laid, embrace the age gap
I would be lying if I said his age didn’t send up red flags. But he never pressured me. He did not aggressively feed me drinks, and I knew walking away was always an option. But he was a gentleman, and it was refreshing to flirt with a stranger who did not know – and probably did not care – about anything related to GW.
Lewd and obsence acts: highlights from the crime logs
From the Marvin Center to Gelbucks, GW couples and Foggy Bottom haven’t let public spaces intimidate them. Here’s a list of the crime log’s most memorably lewd and obscene acts over the last two years.
Student orgs find new ways to approach the sex talk
The Feminist Student Union’s annual production of The Vagina Monologues next weekend does more than provide Valentine’s Day entertainment – it’s also a way to educate about sexual assault and consent.
Music to get you off
Music in the bed-dorm-room is often a gamble. If this fling is just that – a fling – he or she has no reason to fake enjoy your overly obscure indie mix, or your eighties hair band playlist. Opt for tunes most people know, and more importantly, get off to on some bizarre, intimate level.