I’m writing in response to the article “Student’s mother suing professor, University for $150,000” (May 2, online).
The conduct of the woman suing assistant philosophy professor Eric Saidel, the philosophy department, the Columbian College of Arts and Sciences and the University is akin to a man using a cigarette lighter to peer inside his mobile home’s gasoline tank to make sure it’s full.
Several of the mother’s claims in the lawsuit can be conservatively called “curious.” For example, she stated that Saidel created an “environment of deception” for her daughter, yet the mother still recommended her a logic tutor. Furthermore, it is evident that the daughter was not “performing really well” because her performance necessitated the assistance of a tutor. It seems clear that one would only be recommended a tutor if academic performance was subpar.
The grade, however, was very troubling for the student and the mother because it was not “consistent with her academic ability,” which is a clever twist of language. This merely indicates that, from the mother’s perspective, her daughter had the ability to get an A, not that the student’s grade in the course should have been an A.
But I think it is fair to say that this is when the case starts to fall apart.
It does not make sense that the student waited two years to sue Saidel after he committed acts of “loss, detriment, injury and torture” against her. She should not have acted slothfully in bringing him to justice if his offenses were so egregious.
Christian Geoghegan, is a sophomore majoring in philosophy.