A new Web site has embarked on a campaign to “abolish the SA,” after what its anonymous creators said was a wildly unsuccessful year for GW’s student government.
The leader of the movement, who refers to himself as Maximillian Robespierre – a nod to a French revolutionary infamous for his involvement in the most violent periods of the French Revolution – said students should demand a more effective student governing body. The site, www.abolishthesa.com, features a petition that students can sign to support the cause.
“For years, GW students have watched as their elected Student Association has failed to live up to their promises and failed to advocate on behalf of the student body,” a student involved in the movement wrote in an e-mail. “Students have a right to voice their dissent and demand a better alternative to broken promises and petty politics.”
Instead of the structure the SA currently utilizes – modeled off of the U.S. government – the ‘abolish the SA’ movement proposes utilizing “Student Unions,” which would be “popularly elected bodies that will serve solely as advocacy groups.”
Each student union would have a group of “10 elected advocates” that would work towards completing goals in specific areas such as academic affairs.
The students involved in the movement said they would remain anonymous, though they acknowledge they must reveal themselves when their petition is submitted.
“We are choosing to remain anonymous because abolishing the SA should be a student movement, not a vehicle to create 15 minutes of fame for a few GW students,” a member of the movement said in an e-mail.