The eighth article to the Student Association Constitution was referenced in a letter to the editor today. The article, as retrieved from the SA Web site, reads as follows:
Article VIII – Amendments; Liquidation And Dissolution
Section 1. Amendments
A. All amendments to the Student Association Constitution shall be brought to a University-wide vote in accordance with the procedures to call a Referendum as stipulated in Article VII.
B. All amendments to Student Association Bylaws shall be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Senate and shall be subject to the power of Presidential veto and senate override provisions in Article I, Section 10 of this Constitution, with the exception of those of internal Senate procedures.
Section 2. Liquidation and Dissolution
A. This Constitution may be dissolved and liquidated through the referendum procedure as herein prescribed.
B. Should the Student Association be dissolved by act of the Board of Trustees, such action shall include provisions for the payment of the Student Association’s liabilities, disbursal of its assets, and the delegation of its duties.
C. All records of the Student Association shall be deposited with and maintained by the University Library upon dissolution.