What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving? Here’s The Hatchet’s monthly wrap-up of what we’re thankful and not so thankful for.
Sad turkey: GW soccer and basketball lose
GW’s men’s soccer team missed out on the playoffs with a 2-1 loss to St. Bonaventure on Nov. 8, despite a good season and the emergence of standout striker Andy Stadler. The men’s basketball team lost by 12 points in a huge game against Auburn on Saturday, despite leading by 15 at the half. And The Hatchet intramural volleyball team somehow missed out on the playoffs, losing all three of its games despite a ton of spirit.
Happy turkey: Early Decision applications up
Even though the economy is in bad shape and colleges are bracing for its effects on applications, GW’s binding Early Decision application numbers are up 30 percent. The University has received more than 1,200 applications, up from 946 in 2007. Although we’re not the only college experiencing this counterintuitive trend, our percentage increase seems to be one of the highest. Hopefully this holds up throughout the admissions cycle.
Happy turkey: Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History reopens
The Betsy Ross flag is back! The National Museum of American History reopened on Friday, and because only this year’s seniors were here before it closed, everyone should visit to see the $85 million renovation.
Sad turkey: No students speak at UPD hearing
The University Police Department held its accreditation hearing on Nov. 17, and though several students attended, none spoke up during the open comment session. Concerns about UPD have been high in recent months, especially in light of debate over arming its officers, and students should have taken advantage of this opportunity to have their views heard.
Happy turkey: Ten GW alums win seats in House and Senate
If you think that kid down the hall is kidding about being a U.S. senator, think again – GW alumni seem to be doing pretty well running for public office. Nine incumbents were re-elected to their seats and Senator-elect and 1977 graduate Mark Warner, D, won his Virginia race.
Ramonas graduating early
Senior news editor Andrew Ramonas is graduating at the end of the semester, and while we wish him the best of luck in his professional exploits, we are so sad to be losing him as an editor. Don’t be a stranger, Ramonas, you’ll always be a Hatcheteer! Also, congratulations to Alexa Millinger, our incoming senior news editor!