Newest sorority to begin colonization process
The Pi Beta Phi sorority returned to campus this week to begin registration for its colonizing recruitment as the newest Panhellenic Association sorority on campus.
Pi Beta Phi is actually GW’s oldest sorority – it was founded at GW in 1889 and remained on campus until 1968.
“For 10 years, Pi Phi was the only women’s group at GW,” said Colleen Briley, resident leadership development consultant for the Pi Beta Phi sorority. “Pi Beta Phi has had a long standing tradition here at GW as well as across the nation, and we are excited to have the privilege to re-establish our Pi Phi chapter here.”
Pi Beta Phi will hold its first information session Oct. 6th in the Marvin Center. Though the registration process has already begun, colonizing recruitment, which consists of an open house, interviews and preference parties, will run from Oct. 12th to 15th. Colonizing Recruitment will conclude with a bid celebration and a pledging ceremony.
Though Pi Beta Phi does eventually hope to have a sorority house on campus, for now, all of its colonizing recruitment activities will take place in the Marvin Center, said Briley.
Unlike other sororities who only look to recruit one new class of members each year, Pi Beta Phi is looking to recruit a full chapter of 85 to 91 women.
“We hope to attract women that have an interest in philanthropic service to others, lifelong sisterhood, friendship, personal development and scholarship (as means) to enhance their college experience,” Briley said.
“(We try) to mold future leaders and help women grow to their full potential.”
-Marissa Bialecki