So again, you will notice that an entire page of the opinions section is devoted to Middle East politics. You may be wondering what’s going on here – is the entire Hatchet composed of Middle Eastern studies majors?
The answer is no. In this case, I was planning on featuring one op-ed from our Senior Editor, Will Dempster, on the subject. As is often the case, our editor in chief, Michael Barnett, had nothing to do on a Friday night so he wrote on the subject too. Jake Young, our cartoonist, who I give free reign to draw about whatever topic pleases him, happened to also choose the Hamas victory.
In the end, we come up with an entire page of Hamas inadvertently, and, of course, probably another half a page of responses in the next issue. If you really don’t care about Middle East politics, I apologize. But for GW’s population of International Affairs majors and students who feel involved in the conflict, I hope you enjoy what modest coverage we can give these types of issues in the Hatchet.
Feel free to send me any thoughts or comments on this, either on the blog or to [email protected]