At least five students were arrested for underage drinking at off-campus locations in the last week, according to Metropolitan Police arrest records from the city’s 2nd and 3rd police districts.
3/6 – The Riverside Tower
2100 Virginia Ave.
MPD arrested one male GW student for underage possession of alcohol.
3/5 – Singapore Bistro
1134 19th St.
MPD arrested two GW students – one male and one female – for misrepresenting their age at the popular nightspot. The female student said she was arrested by two plainclothes MPD officers after buying a drink. Singapore Bistro employees said they were unaware of the incident but said it is “almost impossible” for any underage person to drink at their club.
3/5 – Madhatter
1831 M St.
MPD arrested two underage male students for using fake IDs to buy drinks at the bar. At least five students have been arrested at the bar for underage drinking in the last two months.
-Gabriel Okolski