Robbery/Purse Snatch
1/12 – Kogan Plaza
11 p.m. – open case
An unidentified male individual grabbed the purse of a female student who was sitting on a bench. University and Metropolitan police officers searched the area, but could not find the man.
Disorderly Conduct
1/8 – Medical Faculty Associates building
5 p.m. – case closed
A psychiatric patient began acting in an unruly manner and was transported to the emergency room for treatment.
12/15 – Public Space
6:30 p.m. – case closed
A male unaffiliated with the University was seen throwing trashcan lids into the street, one of which hit a vehicle. He began acting in an “erratic” manner when a UPD officer arrived at the scene.
Subject barred from campus
Drug Law Violation
1/6 – City Hall
5 p.m. – case closed
UPD officers entered a vacant room and discovered two smoking pipes that tested positive for marijuana.
Referred to Student
Judicial Services
12/23 – Mount Vernon Shuttle 8:25 a.m.
A male driver reported that a male student previously barred from using the shuttle service periodically made harassing remarks to him and tried to provoke a fight.
Indecent Exposure
12/10 – Public Space
case closed
A female student witnessed a male individual pulling his pants down and exposing his genitals on 23rd and G streets.
No identifiable subjects
Lewd/Obscene Acts
12/6 – Public Space
case closed
A male individual was seen masturbating outside the window of a female student’s apartment on the 900 block of 24th Street.
No identifiable subjects
Liquor Law Violation
12/11 – Thurston Hall
12:01 a.m. – case closed
A UPD officer observed a female student who appeared intoxicated. She was transported to the emergency room for excessive alcohol consumption.
Referred to SJS
Simple Assault
12/30 – Thurston
8:10 p.m. – case closed
A male employee grabbed a female UPD officer by her neck and kissed her on the cheek when she was allowing him inside the building.
Referred to department
Weapons Violation
12/11 – Hall on Virginia Avenue
1:10 a.m. – case closed
A UPD officer confiscated a paintball gun from a male student.
–compiled by Rachel Zavala