Artist: Primus
Title: Animals Should Not Try To Act Like People
Genre: No conventional musical genre, thrash/funk/hard rock fusion
Label: Interscope
In today’s world, manufactured bands catering to corporate sponsors allow little room for musical integrity and originality. Musicians rarely toe the thin line between creative genius and absolute lunacy. Enter Les Claypool, arguably one of the best bass players in the world, and his band, Primus. The venerable Mr. Claypool rips on the bass guitar while Tim Anderson murders the drums and guitarist Larry LaLonde finds a melody to make it all come together. Despite this discord, the band exhibits an exemplary level of technical skill. Animals is a purchase guaranteed to make any Primus fan cream their pants. This two-CD set includes five new tracks recorded with the original band members, highly recommended for anyone looking for something different.
-Kris Woods
Artist: Randy Newman
Title: Songbook
Genre: Rock/Pop
Label: Nonesuch Records
Known for literate lyrics and unique blends of ragtime, blues and pop music, on Songbook Randy Newman re-records his most notable compositions using just piano and voice in order to sound under-produced. With the layers of instrumentation usually found on Newman’s records removed, emotion becomes the central focus. Topics addressed are unlikely to be found in any other new release this week. Religion (sung from the perspective of God himself), social inequity, serial killers, closed-minded Southerners and imperialism are but a few subjects that feel Newman’s wrath. Songbook is a great demonstration of Newman’s unique skill as both a composer and a storyteller.
-Andy Metzger
Artist: Train
Title: My Private Nation
Genre: Alternative Pop/Rock
Label: Columbia Records
This album is a great follow-up to Train’s very successful Drops of Jupiter. Slightly reminiscent of Dave Matthews Band or Matchbox 20, there’s nothing particularly unique about Train, but their music has a tendency to stick with you. They talk about the basics: love, life, girls and love again. Who doesn’t like that stuff?
-Paris Holmes