Gross omission
I picked up the Hatchet titled “CI Guide 2003” and was quite impressed with the comprehensive coverage of GW’s activities, places and happenings. Though, when I read your article titled “Greek-letter orgs. recruit early” on page 5 and continued on page 24, I was disappointed to notice the omission of the entire Multicultural Greek Council from your lists of recognized fraternities and sororities. Also missing was anything regarding our recruitment process which is similar in some ways, though very different in others compared to IFC and Pan-Hellenic orgs.
The MGC is the governing council for the Multicultural Greeks on the GW campus, i.e. Historically black fraternities and sororities (or NPHC groups), Latino Greek-letter orgs, and we have accepted and extended expansion bids to four Asian Greek-letter orgs for the upcoming academic year. MGC is comprised of four sororities – Delta Sigma Theta, Zeta Phi Beta, Sigma Lambda Upsilon and Lambda Pi Chi – and three fraternities – Alpha Phi Alpha, Kappa Alpha Psi and Lambda Upsilon Lambda.
Your gross omission of the seven above mentioned Greek-letter orgs in the CI Guide is a shame because the incoming freshman who pick up your “guide” will be led astray thinking that the orgs listed and discussed in the article is all that GW has to offer; which is far from the truth.
-Michael Trask, Presidential Administrative Fellow, Chapter Adviser – Chi Chapter of La Unidad Latina, Lambda Upsilon Lambda Fraternity, Inc.
Lacking liberties
As an alumnus of The George Washington University I find the online version of the GW Hatchet an excellent tool for keeping up with the GW community. I was appalled when I recently read Alex Kingsbury’s recent editorial “Eviscerating civil liberties in Foggy Bottom” (June 9, p. 4). Sadly, it was not the editorial that bothered me, as I could always respectively disagree with another persons opinion; my concern was in learning of the invasive behaviors of UPD that are supported by the administration. Must a student truly produce his student ID card for a UPD officer even on a public street? I was incensed when the University installed cameras in the hallways of its dormitories. Fortunately for me I was living in off-campus housing at the time. The current behavior, let alone tactics currently under consideration, are an outrage to all of us associated with GW. The current administration apparently responds to only one thing: money. As long as this current behavior is allowed to continue I will no longer contribute to the numerous fundraising requests I receive from GW.
While I thank Mr. Kingsbury for enlightening me I am troubled that he and all current students must attend a university that is clearly not enlightened about the civil liberties it should afford to its students.
-Jason Mara, Class of 1995