The article “Court denies second appeal” (April 3, p. 1) incorrectly stated the Board of Zoning Adjustment’s order to house 70 percent of undergraduates, including all freshmen and sophomores, in campus residence halls has gone into effect. The order cannot go into effect unless two stays on the order are denied. One request for a stay is to the BZA, pending a D.C. Court of Appeals ruling on the merits of the case. The other request is to U.S. Court of Appeals, pending a Supreme Court review of the case. –
The headline “EXSA program becomes dept.” (April 3, p. 6) incorrectly identified the exercise science program as the exercise sports activities (EXSA) program. The exercise science program should have been abbreviated EXSC. –
The article “Study Abroad list finalized” (April 3, p.1) incorrectly identified Lynn Leonard, director for the Office of Study Abroad, as saying “GW plans to open new study centers in London and Australia and is considering one in China.” Craig Linebaugh, associate vice president for academic affairs, should have been credited with the quotation. –
On University President Stephen Joel Trachtenberg’s recent trip to China, he awarded the President’s Medal to Chiang Chen.