Student groups can appeal mid-year allocations
Student groups who want to appeal to the Senate for a change in budget allocations must do so by Friday. Contact the SA office for a meeting time.
Additionally, this semester the SA will hold regular meetings to evaluate the budget, taking particular note of student group spending. Itemized reports of individual budgets will be reviewed.
SA expands Web site
The SA continues to add to the resources on its Web site. All SA expenditures made since Jan. 20 are currently posted.
The legislative section of the Web site is also up and running, allowing students to read through current bills up for review in the Senate and see past voting records of senators.
By allowing students to see senators’ votes, the SA will provide a greater sense of “openness and transparency” and provide for better communication with the student body, Executive Vice President Eric Daleo said.
The next SA meeting will be held next Tuesday at 9 p.m. in Marvin Center room 405.
Last Tuesday’s Senate meeting was canceled because of the Webmail outage, the State of the Union Address and the fact that all pertinent legislation is still in committee hearings.
The Senate is currently working on updating the Joint Elections Committee charter, according to a bylaw mandating a revision each year.
–Rachel Gould