Police bust teens in LSD case
Virginia police arrested one teenager and charged and released two others in connection with an LSD bust Friday.
Authorities in Bristow, Va. told WJLA that two boys, ages 13 and 14, and one girl, 13, were charged with possession after police found LSD on squares of paper. WJLA reported that a student at the Marsteller Middle School told police about witnessing a drug deal.
Police are reportedly investigating four other students in connection with the drug case.
LSD is a powerful hallucinogenic drug that can be absorbed through the skin from pieces of paper.
White House fence jumper caught
A man who allegedly jumped the fence at the White House was quickly nabbed by the U.S. Secret Service Friday.
The man, wearing a black baseball cap, passed though the Northwest gate of the presidential mansion behind another visitor and jumped an interior fence before Secret Service agents caught him, WJLA reported.
Authorities are now questioning the man, who was captured in seconds, the Associated Press reported.
State of the Union Tuesday
President George W. Bush has hinted at the content of Tuesday’s State of the Union address, placing Medicare, tax cuts, religious group involvement in government programs and restraining federal spending as his chief priorities, according to the Associated Press.
The State of the Union address, scheduled for Tuesday evening, is the day after inspectors release their initial report on Iraqi compliance with UN weapons inspectors. Potential military action in the Middle East will likely be a large component of the president’s speech.
Williams talks crime
Crime topped a recent panel discussion chaired by Mayor Anthony Williams Saturday, who called on communities to work with police to lower the city’s growing crime rates.
“I have made crime one of my top three priorities. Education and public safety are the linchpins,” Williams told the Washington Times. “The police can’t (stop crime) alone. Citizens can’t do it alone. We have to work together.”
The Mayor’s Forum on Crime & Prevention at Eastern Senior High School in Northeast was a day long event bringing together community leaders with city officials.
Conservatives to converge in Crystal City
The Annual Conservative Political Action Conference, featuring an address by Vice President Dick Cheney, will be held this week in Arlington, Va.
Featured speakers at the four-day event include Senate majority whip Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), Oliver North, Rep. Kathlerine Harris (R-Fl.), Senate majority leader Tom Delay (R-Tx.), and Wayne LaPierre from the National Rifle Association.
The event will begin Wednesday at the Crystal Gateway Marriott.
-Alex Kingsbury