Stanford targeted for ‘anti-Israel bias’
(U-WIRE) Stanford, Calif. – Stanford University is among 18 universities targeted for “anti-Israel bias” by a watchdog organization that academics perceive as a threat to freedom of expression.
The goal of the new organization, called Campus Watch, is “to improve Middle Eastern studies in North America” by targeting “anti-Israel and anti-American bias” in academia.
Since its inception this year, Campus Watch has been awash with controversy, as a large number of students and professors oppose the organization’s policy of naming and “monitoring” suspect universities, professors and student activists.
Bush plan aims to increase college retention rates
(U-WIRE) Los Angeles – The Bush administration recently announced a plan to hold colleges and universities accountable for student retention and graduation rates.
Under the initiative, schools that fail to retain a certain percentage of their students and graduate them “in a timely manner,” defined as six years, would face losing some of their federal funding. Schools that meet certain goals could receive special incentives, like additional funding.
The plan is still in the preliminary stages of the political process.
University of Michigan case may go to Supreme Court
(U-WIRE) Ann Arbor, Mich. – A lawsuit challenging the University of Michigan’s affirmative action admissions process may bypass the circuit appeals court and go directly to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Although a decision in Gratz v. Bollinger is still pending in the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, the Center for Individual Rights petitioned the high court to review the case.
Those in favor of the move argue the case is directly related to a previous suit involving the University of Michigan Law School, which was sent to the Supreme Court following the university’s victory in the circuit appeals court.
Under federal law, the Supreme Court can chose to hear the case before the lower court’s ruling is handed down, but the scenario is rare. The high court is expected to release its decision next week.
“Report card” on state’s pre-college programs released
Connecticut, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey and Virginia schools top off the list of states’ high schools offering the best preparation to students seeking higher education, according to a study released last week by the National Center for Public Policy and Higher Education.
All 50 states were ranked in six categories including student preparation, participation, affordability, completion, benefits and learning. This is the second time in two years the independent group has released the state report card.
Rounding out the bottom of the list were Mississippi, Nevada, Tennessee, West Virginia and Louisiana.
-compiled by Patrick Higgins