Mosheh Oinounou’s article (“New printing charge to take effect,” Aug. 26 p.1) contains a fundamental mischaracterization of the position taken by the Student Association Senate with reference to the imposition of a printing fee.
Oinounou paraphrases a statement by University Librarian Jack Siggins in reporting that “three years of negotiations between the GW Prints members as well as student groups, including the Student Association, determined that a fee would be the best way to cut down on waste and cost.”
Senate Resolution SR-F01-12, passed last fall, clearly states that: “The Student Association of The George Washington University fundamentally opposes any restriction on an additional printing charge or a cap on the number of printings a student can make without charge.” Senator (now Executive Vice President) Daleo was the sponsor of this resolution, and senators Blackford, Moss and Aldaghlas were cosponsors.
Senator Jacobsen will soon introduce legislation, cosponsored by a majority of the Senate including senators Blackford, Moss and Aldaghlas to reaffirm the SA’s opposition to the imposition of any printing fee. EVP Daleo is precluded by his position from taking a position on any legislation this academic year.
We wish to correct any misperception that either Oinounou or Siggins may have created. The Student Association in no way approves of the imposition of a printing fee and wishes to inform students that their Student Association is, in fact, on record as opposing it and is currently advocating its elimination.
-Eric Daleo, Executive Vice President; J.P. Blackford (SEAS-G), chairman, Rules Committee and president pro tempore; Dan Moss (SBPM-G), chairman, Finance Committee; Tayseer Aldaghlas (SMHS-G); Donald Jacobsen (CCAS-G)