I am writing in order to bring the GW grounds crew to the attention of the student body. During these nicer days of spring, when the tulips, cherry trees and rose bushes come alive, I am reminded of the hard work these individuals put into making our campus beautiful. I know of their dedication from a firsthand perspective.
In 2000, I learned the true definition of the word sophomoric. While attempting to steal a construction sign after a night of drunken revelry, my roommate and I were nabbed by University Police. I was not amused to learn that I had to work 15 hours with the grounds crew.
To my delight, the crew was a group of individuals who, surprisingly, had no problems with towing a sleepy-eyed student around campus at 6 a.m. In fact, they were more hospitable than most of the professors I’ve encountered. These individuals are truly dedicated to making the campus beautiful. They take great pride in trimming bushes, power washing sidewalks and picking up litter. In my opinion, they do a damn good job – just look around Kogan Plaza on a nice day.
-Tim Foden