GW sophomore makes an unlikely revolutionary. Clad in boxers and a “Big Johnson” T-shirt, he sits in his small studio apartment his bathrobe cast conspicuously across the floor. Piles of videos lay by the television and a collapsed easel lays broken on the ground, a testament to Heart’s uncompromising artistic style.
This is the man behind the National Gallery’s new exhibition “SPLATTER,” a collection that showcases Heart’s groundbreaking new art: Freeform Ejaculate Composition.
In the vein of modern splatter art, Heart employs his own bodily fluids to create expressions of his deepest hopes and desires.
“I like to spank myself and shoot off onto canvas,” Heart said in a recent Hatchet interview. “I can’t believe no one else is doing this.”
It’s true. No one else is doing this, yet. Following the footsteps of other artistic innovators such as Dirk Diggler and Ron Jeremy, Heart is seeking a higher form of expression. This level of artistic genius can be seen in pieces such as “Emperor of the Body and Soul” and “Look, I Cummed on a Piece of Canvas.”
But where does Heart go for inspiration? He cites a plethora of sources for the ideas presented in his work.
“Sometime I see a girl on the street, sometimes it’s on the television.” Heart said. “My piece ‘Water Gathers Upon the Soul’ was inspired by the third scene in Psycho Beach Sluts III with girls and sand toys.”
Heart’s Vietnamese servant boy House Nan Ping is a longtime fan of his work.
“The man’s a genius, even if does get a little sticky around the house,” Ping said.
Recognition by the National Gallery is not the first accolade earned by Heart in his short but impressive career. He has won awards from the National Coalition of Modern Artists as well as an honorable mention from Field and Stream magazine.
Heart says that the reason for his success is the veracity with which he attacks his work. He is constantly creating pieces, sometimes 5 or 6 a day. As he stated in conclusion during the interview,”I think I’m going to go make some art right now, and by ‘make art’ I mean I’m going to stroke my penis repeatedly and blow it on to things I find around the house.”
Genius, pure and simple.