Shame on the University’s Center for Academic Technologies (CATS) and its Executive Director P.B. Garrett.
I was disappointed to learn that CATS decided over winter break to place restrictions on student printing. CATS operates computer lab facilities at the Marvin Center, the basement of the Academic Center and across campus. These restrictions will impact countless numbers of students.
Providing paper for printing is a basic service provided by the University. With a substantial portion of our tuition directed to University agencies like CATS, these monies should cover the cost of such a basic service as student paper use. Furthermore, any fee or restriction on printing unfairly discriminates against financially disadvantaged students who cannot necessarily afford computers and printers of their own.
Garrett and her team at CATS never sought out student input on this new restriction, never asked for feedback regarding what kind of cap would be reasonable, never allowed us to institute a student-led paper reduction or recycling education effort and never told us to expect a restriction.
Last September, I authored legislation in the student Senate that opposed an identical printing restriction in the Gelman Library. I will seek similar legislation addressing student malcontent with this particular fee.
I think most people have grown tired of continuous charges and restrictions on basic student services. I know I have.
-Eric R. Daleo
SA Senator (U-CCAS)