Student Association President David Burt has gotten off to a promising start. Since taking the reigns in May, Burt has set out to renovate the SA Web site, bring fresh ideas to the SA and greet incoming students at Colonial Inauguration. For a successful presidency, Burt must execute his platform with the openness and accessibility that he has promised.
Burt plans to bolster the SA Web site with several additions. University work-study jobs will be displayed online. A calendar of campus activities will be included as well as an online version of the SA book exchange. Burt also hopes to revive the Student Ride Board, so students can save travel costs by sharing rides.
Perhaps most importantly, Burt wants to keep students abreast of the SA’s financial decisions by posting money matters on the Web. Making financial records easily accessible will lead to greater accountability in the SA.
While Burt’s plan to end palmcarding is well intentioned, limiting free speech in this fashion would do more harm than good.
Burt has shown a keen ability to be outgoing, visible and accessible. Burt’s ultimate challenge will be whether he will listen to students and, more importantly, whether he will act on the needs and concerns of the GW student community.