The Foggy Bottom residential community, as you can well imagine, resonates well to the voted conditions of the Student Association Senate’s endorsement of the GW Campus Plan. The majority of Foggy Bottom residents feel the campus plan is unfair in that it is not detailed enough to allow for serious consideration (e.g., unspecified uses for the large current hospital site). A major flaw in the plan and process is that they do not deal with the University’s continued purchases of properties outside the campus boundaries and within the residential community.
While the University pats itself on the back for responding to requests for more student housing by its actions at the Howard Johnson, Columbia Plaza and multiple other sites, those actions result from too much growth too fast, with too little concomitant increase in housing and facilities on campus.
As the Senate has said this week, echoing sentiments often voiced by the residents, both loudly and clearly, but never heard by a deaf administration: Bigger is NOT better!
-Eleanor M. Becker
Foggy Bottom Association President
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