The Women’s Center is looking for a home. The new student group proposes to “give women a place to voice their concerns, socialize with other women, achieve academic growth and self-confidence, and secure peace and solitude.” Ideally, the group would like set up a facility in one of the study lounges in the all-female Strong Hall.
The University has no women’s center. Other universities such as nearby Georgetown have a place where women can go to socialize, study, research, talk or simply feel at ease with one another. With the variety of issues that face women – everything from eating disorders and depression to sexual harassment and sexual assault – the Women’s Center could be a central location for information and assistance.
The impediment to the opening of the Women’s Center in Strong Hall is the Community Living and Learning Center’s lack of enthusiasm for the project. CLLC argues that a lack of space in Strong Hall prevents the group’s founders from setting up the Women’s Center there. Without CLLC’s full support and blessing, the project cannot be successful. The all-female environment in Strong seems the perfect accompaniment to what could be a positive addition to the GW community.
The residents of Strong Hall should decide for themselves whether they want to give up one of their study lounges for the creation of the Women’s Center. If they do, CLLC should work with the Women’s Center to see the project to fruition. If Strong Hall residents do not want to give up their space, then the Women’s Center must look elsewhere for a spot on this crowded campus. But it should be up to the residents of Strong Hall to decide for themselves whether the establishment of a Women’s Center in their building is worth giving up their study space.