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Wine bar on 2200 Penn opens doors
By Ella Mitchell, Contributing News Editor • June 14, 2024

The top five running routes

Zach Montellaro | Hatchet Staff Photographer
Zach Montellaro | Hatchet Staff Photographer

Media Credit: Zach Montellaro | Hatchet Staff Photographer
The Georgetown canal is a short downhill run from Foggy Bottom.

1. The Waterfront

A downhill jog from Foggy Bottom will bring you past the Watergate and into Georgetown. Take both short or long runs on the wooden decks and paved paths, or bolt up a side street to run along the canal. On your way back, you can duck into Farmers Fishers Bakers for brunch.

2. The National Mall

Circling from the Lincoln Memorial to the Capitol Building and back adds up to about six miles. While pathways can become clogged with tourists during the spring and summer, running past the monuments and museums never gets old.

3. MacArthur Boulevard

Secluded from the commotion of the city, the neighborhood around the Mount Vernon Campus offers a quiet running route. Breathe easier with less dust and car exhaust, and head behind the campus on MacArthur Boulevard, which runs parallel to the Capital Crescent Trail. Taking any side street will allow you to run on that path as well.

4. Mt. Vernon Trail

Try the other side of the Potomac River for a change. Across the Arlington Memorial Bridge, you can run down to the Mt. Vernon Trail and toward Rosslyn. It’s about a four-mile loop from Foggy Bottom down the road, across the Key Bridge and back through Georgetown. Or you can use the trail to go to Theodore Roosevelt Island.

5. West Potomac Park

This route will take you along the Tidal Basin and by the Jefferson Memorial for a scenic run – and it’s completely flat. But be prepared for tourists on the paths if you ever go during cherry blossom season.

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