In his Jan. 24 column (“Tax cut benefits few, slows economy”) GW College Democrat President Jesse Demastrie makes a confusing reference to the collapse of Enron. He states, “If Republicans cannot correctly run a business, such as Enron, how can America trust them to run a country?” This is an argument I find offensive and unwarranted.
Enron is an independent business that contributed widely to both Republicans and Democrats alike. Many officials, ranging from former vice presidential candidate and Sen. Joseph Lieberman (D-Conn.) to Attorney General John Ashcroft have admitted to receiving Enron contributions. Has anyone accused Lieberman of being incompetent because he has a slight connection to Enron? Of course not, because there is not one political scandal to be found in Enron.
The truth is Demastrie chose to defend Sen. Edward Kennedy’s (D-Mass.) tax bill by accusing the Republicans of being corrupt, not by arguing the facts.
-Adam Schmidt