Drug Law Violation
02/25/13 – 4:46 p.m. Munson Hall Case closed
University Police Department officers and house staff responded to a report of a suspicious odor. The subsequent administrative search yielded baked goods containing marijuana that were labeled for sale.
Subjects arrested
02/26/13 – 11:10 p.m. Mitchell Hall (7-Eleven) Case closed
A homeless person was yelling obscenities at patrons to buy food for him and was removed from the store.
Subject barred from campus
Unlawful Entry
02/27/13 – 10:30 a.m. Ivory Tower basement Case closed
A store owner complained of a homeless person who had an offensive smell. Officers found the person had been previously barred from campus.
Subject arrested
Lewd and Obscene Acts
02/28/13 – 10:39 p.m. Marvin Center Case closed
A UPD officer saw a 67-year-old man with a newspaper on his lap and his hand inside his pants, possibly masturbating.
Subject barred from campus
Drug Law Violation/Liquor Law Violation/Fraud/Weapons Violation
03/01/13 – 2:36 p.m. West Hall Case closed
A routine inspection by the Office of Health and Safety found multiple fraudulent identification cards. The subsequent administrative search yielded marijuana residue and two electric stun guns.
Referred for disciplinary action
Drug Law Violation/Liquor Law Violation
03/04/13 – 2:25 to 4:55 p.m. 605 22nd Street Case closed
Health and safety inspectors found four people smoking marijuana in a room that was being inspected for unsafe conditions. They also found alcohol.
Referred for disciplinary action
Compiled by Aaron Goodtree