GW swooped into fifth place this year on the list of medium-sized schools that sends the most graduates into low-income schools with Teach for America.
About 7 percent of last year’s graduates applied to the service program and more students have opted into the program in recent years. Teach for America accepted on average less than 15 percent of applicants in the last three years.
Last year, GW nabbed the number-13 spot after 33 graduates committed to a two-year stint teach. More than 317 alumni have taught in U.S. public schools through the Teach for America program in all.
Harvard and Vanderbilt universities led the list of medium-sized colleges after 45 of each school’s 2013 graduates joined Teach for America. Georgetown University and the University of Pennsylvania came in just ahead of GW, each contributing 40 of their most recent alumni to the program.
Teach for America also brushed up against criticism this summer, with former members speaking out against its lack of training and bureaucracy.