GW for Hillary drove nine hours to New Hampshire last weekend to rev up support for former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton before the second presidential primary.
While there, they met up with some household names at Rundlett Middle School in Concord, N.H. – Sen. Cory Booker, D–NJ, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and Bill and Chelsea Clinton.
“We were hopeful that we’d be able to meet one of them, but we weren’t expecting to. That’s why it was phenomenal,” said Alex Barbieri, vice president of the GW campaign.
The 33 GW students joined 80 students from the University of Maryland, Hood College and Georgetown, George Mason and American universities. The groups participated in phone banks, passed out literature about Clinton and canvassed.
Clinton narrowly edged out Bernie Sanders, I-VT in the Iowa primary last Tuesday.
“It’s kind of annoying that people say Hillary doesn’t have support from students and Bernie Sanders has support from students,” Barbieri said.
Barbieri said the group worked closely with Clinton’s official campaign and other local universities to pick a primary where they could make the most impact.
While traveling to Iowa would have been “really exciting,” Barbieri said that the trip would have been too expensive for their members and that the official campaign needed more help on their New Hampshire efforts.
“Lots of students in the Midwest go to Iowa,” Barbieri said.
The group will participate in a dorm storm for Clinton on the Mount Vernon Campus this semester. The New Hampshire primary occurs on Tuesday.