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D.C. representative seeks pay cuts for Congress

Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton
Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton, D-D.C., will propose legislation next week that would expose Congress members’ salaries to the nation’s automatic spending cuts, which took effect this month. Hatchet File Photo

The District’s delegate to Congress plans to introduce legislation next week that would slice Congress members’ salaries along with the nation’s other cuts in federal spending.

After the $86 billion in self-imposed cuts that struck the country March 1, Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton, D-D.C., wants to see a chunk taken out of legislators’ salaries, according to a Tuesday press release.

Norton is one of several legislators who has already pledged to take a pay cut, along with alumnus Rep. Tammy Duckworth, D-Ill. and Sen. Barbara Mikulski, D-Md.

Norton pledged to donate a day’s pay for each day members of her office staff and federal employees are put on temporary unpaid leave this year because of the sequestration. She will donate the money to the Federal Employee Education and Assistance Fund, a nonprofit organization that provides loans to financially struggling employees, and to her own office.

Sequestration law, outlined in 1985, exempts the U.S. president’s salary from across-the-board spending cuts, but Congress members’ pay is technically fair game.

The Office of Management and Budget has interpreted the law in a way that exempts legislators’ salaries, according to the release from Norton’s office, but the budgets for their individual offices are subject to the same cuts as federal agencies.

“The effects of the sequester are going to be felt everywhere, especially in this region,” Norton said at a Foggy Bottom and West End Advisory Neighborhood Commission meeting on March 20. “Who will really get clobbered? All federal employees.”

The congresswoman highlighted these workers, calling them “the most educated and specialized” in the U.S., who are headed toward pay reductions this month added to three years of freezes in pay.

The proposed bill would take effect in the next Congress if passed.

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