The Student Court delayed its initial consideration of whether to hear a case that aims to strike down updates to the Student Association finance bylaws.
The Student Association’s Office of the Legislator General filed a complaint with the court last Monday against SA Sen. Yan Xu, ESIA-U and the senate’s finance chair, and SA Vice President Kate Carpenter, alleging that updated bylaws that allow the finance committee to sanction student organizations are unconstitutional. The court unanimously voted on Sunday to order a pause in proceedings until after the senate votes Monday on the Financial Reform Act, a bill that would address issues laid out in the complaint.
The defendants will be responsible for emailing Chief Justice Yun-Da Tsai with updates on the status of the bill, including whether it passes and if SA President Brandon Hill signs, vetos or defers the legislation.
If the bill passes and goes into effect, the legislator general’s office will have seven days to submit an amended complaint to the court, the order states. If the bill does not succeed, the defendants will have seven days from when final action is taken on the bill to respond to the original complaint.
The SA Senate will meet tomorrow at 8:30 p.m. in the Continental Ballroom of the University Student Center.
In the meantime, the court is delaying its initial consideration of the lawsuit.
Tsai previously granted Xu’s motion to stay the defendants’ response deadline Friday, the day before the original response deadline was due.