Planning to live on campus next year? Keep these important dates in mind.
February 23-27: Rising second-year students complete housing application electronically through iHousing.
Rising second-year student housing options: 2109 F Street, Cole, FSK, Fulbright, Guthridge, JBKO, Building JJ, Mitchell, Munson, Schenley, Strong, West End.
March 2-6: Rising third- and fourth-year students complete housing application electronically through iHousing.
Rising third- and fourth-year student housing options: 1959 E Street, City Hall, The Dakota, Ivory Tower, New Hall, various singles with private bathrooms and kitchens on campus.
March 31: University notifies all students by email of their housing assignments. Students can also check the GW Housing Programs Student Web Portal to view their housing assignment. Students can sign up for the nonguaranteed waitlist. Room swap process will be available to all students wishing to swap room assignments with other students assigned to campus housing for 2009-2010 academic year.
April 3: Cancellation deadline with no fee for third- and fourth-year students. Nonguaranteed waitlist information is also available.
May 1: Cancellation deadline with fee for third- and fourth-year students.