Officials said the administrative coordinator position will be eliminated from the housing staffing structure for next year because it is ineffective.
Community Living and Learning Center officials said the 16 ACs living in junior and senior residence halls were under-used by upperclassmen and unnecessary parts of residence hall living.
The ACs live in their own rooms, which would normally be doubles. The position was originally created to fit the needs of upperclassmen wanting to live independently while having access to someone who can answer administrative questions, direct them to resources on campus and assist with facility concerns like lockouts, mail and packages.
“Over the past two years, there have been many advances in technology on campus that have reduced the previous needs for ACs, such as GWired and Fixit,” said Tara Woolfson, director of Services for Students in Transition.
Some upperclassmen said they can take care of themselves.
“They are probably not needed, but at the same time, what they are doing is fine,” said senior Julie Perry, who lives in 1957 E St. “They should not be granted any more power than they already have, either.”
Some other students said ACs would be helpful if they were readily accessible like community facilitators are.
“If they are going to have the AC position, they should be available when needed,” said sophomore Justin Moore, who lives in Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy Onassis Hall.
Some of the living and learning communities and programs will also be switched around to different residence halls for the upcoming year, and CLLC is adding a new dean’s intern job.
The position, offered to students with a year of experience with CLLC, will give interns the opportunity to work in various service areas in the department, Woolfson said.
The University has also nixed the LEAD program, which focused on sharpening leadership skills. It often attracted students because of its home in Dakota, a well-equipped residence hall.
“Unfortunately, throughout the years, the LEAD program never reached it’s full potential,” Woolfson said.