The new Student-Alumni Society, a branch of the University’s Office of Alumni Relations, will play a proactive role in the GW community this year, the group’s leaders said.
Formerly known as the Colonial Ambassadors, the organization wants to develop stronger relationships between current students, alumni and the GW community.
In early August, Keith Betts, executive director of alumni relations, and graduate student Tony Sayegh, the society’s first adviser, began the overhaul by revising the group’s constitution and refocusing its mission.
Students will act as liaisons at University-hosted events, establishing important career networking contacts and representing GW to visitors.
“We were only scratching the surface potential of the group,” Betts said.
Society officials said they intend to reach out to more students early on, aiming to develop a strong group of core members.
Sayegh said the Colonial Ambassadors were a more passive group. But this year, the society will actively seek businesses, speakers and other groups to use GW as a venue for programs.
Fliers and brochures in residence halls that house freshmen and sophomores will inform students this week of a membership session Sept. 8.
The society seeks upperclassmen as well, but these students often lack the time to commit to the society. By reaching out to students early in their college years, the society wants to retain a core group, Sayegh said.
New members will be trained in social and networking skills to give them display a professional edge, Sayegh said.
He said he hopes the society will create future alumni leaders so students can use the valuable resources of GW graduates.
New society members are scheduled to host alumni reunion receptions and volunteer at the main events in the Marvin Center for alumni week in late September.