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The GW Hatchet


The GW Hatchet

Serving the GW Community since 1904

The GW Hatchet

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Voting continues

The Student Court has lifted an injunction placed on voting in the runoff election and this morning the polls opened regularly.

At about 1:30 a.m. Student Court chief judge junior Ryan Sullivan placed an injunction on the ballots opening Thursday morning until the members of the Joint Elections Committee complied with all aspects of their charter which outlines the rules for the election.

In specific contention Thursday morning was the JEC’s alleged failure to use credentials while on the job.

SA Sen. Brandon Sherr (CCAS-G) brought the complaint to the court’s attention. He wrote in an e-mail early Thursday morning:

“…while it may not be the most important section of the Charter, the Joint Elections Committee cannot ever be allowed to ignore the law. To do so would be hypocritical to the function of the Joint Elections Committee. How can the Joint Elections Committee hold candidates accountable to the rules when it does not hold itself accountable to those same rules?”

Sullivan said the injunction was lifted about an hour after he installed it. Sherr also said in his e-mail that this may not have been the only blunder by the JEC.

“The Joint Elections Committee has acted with questionable regard for the law in many instances during this election. It has exceeded its authority, disregarded the legislative intent of the Senate, and assumed unlawful discretion. Not until this complaint, however, has any action of the Committee amounted to such a blatant and deliberate violation of the law,” he wrote in an e-mail.

Thursday is the last ay of voting and a winner for SA President and Executive Vice President are expected to be announced tonight. Stay tuned to and the SA Blog for continuing coverage.

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