Fraud 1D/Fraud
Off Campus
Reported 12/19/24 – Multiple Dates and Times
Open Case
A female student reported being the victim of fraud by another female student.
— Case open
Destruction of Property/Vandalism
Guthridge Hall
Reported 12/21/24 – Unknown Dates and Times
Closed Case
A male staff member reported vandalism involving damage to a wall and door.
— No suspects or witnesses
Theft II/From Building
Ames Hall
1/03/25 – 12:50 p.m.
Open Case
A GW contractor reported merchandise, including mouthwash, snacks and a toothbrush, stolen. The items were later recovered in a stairwell.
— Case Open
Simple Assault (Domestic Violence), Harassment Email and electronic media
Off Campus
Reported 1/07/25 – Multiple Dates and Times
Closed Case
A male student reported that a non-GW affiliated ex-girlfriend assaulted him on multiple occasions during their relationship in 2023. He and his parents said they received unwanted messages from the female subject recently.
— Referred to the Title IX Office