Sage Russell | Staff Photographer
If the breakup is quick and easy, you and your ex still have time to play with the kittens after it’s over.
Location: 3109 M St.
Readers’ pick: Georgetown Waterfront steps
Starting to feel like your situationship is lasting a little too long fur your liking? Do you think meows the time to break it off? Have you been looking for the purrfect place to call your current relationship quits?
Look no further than the Georgetown cat cafe, Crumbs & Whiskers.
If you’re getting that gut feeling that your significant other is going to end things or you’ve recently discovered a new ick you can’t look past, initiate the breakup on your own terms at a spot where no one could be left feeling sour. Over the gentle meows and mewls of the cafe’s cats, the cozy atmosphere of Crumbs & Whiskers will cut the bitterness of a bad breakup.
A few days ahead of your intended breakup date, book yourself and your soon-to-be ex a 30- or 70-minute time slot ($25 to $40) to pet and play with the adorable and adoptable cats.
As you walk into the cafe, you’ll find an open space filled with purring cats, play toys and plenty of soft rugs for you, your partner and the cats to share. If you’re looking for a place to get comfy, head to the bed at the back of the cafe. If the bed is already taken by a couple building their relationship up instead of breaking it down or you’re looking to replicate that authentic bawling on-the-ground experience, pop a squat on one of the fuzzy floor rugs spread around the room. Once you’re settled in, let the cat out of the bag.
Breakups can be incredibly difficult conversations, leaving both the dumped and the dumpee feeling all scratched up. But at Crumbs & Whiskers, you won’t have to go through the pain alone – you’ll have dozens of furry friends surrounding you as your immediate emotional support.
If the breakup is quick and easy, you and your ex still have time to play with the kittens after it’s over. If your split goes bad, don’t fret – a snuggly cat in your lap will soothe you and your ex while you push through the tough conversation.
For a spoonful of sugar to help the breakup go down, savor some macarons ($3.50 each) or a cup of coffee ($3.85). Crumbs & Whiskers also supplies cat toys and treats so you can become best friends with your fur balls. While you might not want to remember a messy breakup, Crumbs & Whiskers does offer a free Polaroid picture with your cat of choice if you’d like a final memento before you part ways.
After an emotion-filled day at the cat cafe, you may have bonded so much with some of the kittens that you’ll have a hard time resisting the urge to adopt them by the end of your visit. Those crazy cat ladies might be onto something – a pretty kitty certainly beats a painful heartbreak.