The Student Court will not release a preliminary verdict on a case about the Student Association’s updated finance bylaws that allowed the finance committee to sanction student organizations Sunday.
Chief Justice Yun-Da Tsai released the court’s preliminary order Sunday and said in the order that because neither the plaintiff nor the defendant requested a prompt decision, the court will procure a final judgment for the lawsuit before May 1. The Office of the Legislator General filed a complaint in the court in February alleging that the finance committee’s power to sanction violated due process because, under the legislation, student organizations can’t appeal to the executive branch.
The defendant, SA Sen. Yan Xu, argued that the senate passed legislation last month that renders the case moot because the finance committee’s power to sanction will expire in June.
The court delayed its initial consideration of the complaint in late February after Xu filed a motion to stay the lawsuit. A day later, the senate passed a new bill to address the issues laid out in the complaint.