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Wine bar on 2200 Penn opens doors
By Ella Mitchell, Contributing News Editor • June 14, 2024

Man knocked unconscious, robbed near construction site on campus

A man was robbed Sunday by a group of more than ten suspects at 2100 Pennsylvania Ave., according to a Metropolitan Police Department report.

The report states He Ruiyang was knocked unconscious on a sidewalk near the site and was robbed of his iPhone and backpack that held a Chinese passport. MPD spokeswoman Brianna Jordan said officers have made no arrests as the investigation into the case remains open.

Jordan declined to comment further on the case.

Ruiyang was riding a Metrobus after boarding at the corner of Wisconsin Avenue and Newark Street at about 10:00 p.m. when ten or eleven males and one female entered the vehicle at a stop located at the corner of M and Thomas Jefferson streets, according to the report. Ruiyang and the group exited the bus simultaneously at 2100 22nd St. near Dupont Circle, the report states.

The report states Ruiyang was knocked out by an “unknown force method from behind” moments later near 2100 Pennsylvania Ave., a current construction site located across from District House and Lafayette Hall. At 10:39 p.m., after Ruiyang regained consciousness, he approached MPD officer Kevin Bergeron who was parked outside 2112 Pennsylvania Ave. and reported the incident, according to the report.

Ruiyang, who lives in The President Condominium on campus, soon realized he was missing his iPhone from his left shorts pocket, which was ripped when he regained consciousness, the report states. The stolen phone had been turned off after the incident, the report states.

Bergeron launched a “flash lookout,” and six officers responded to the call – four of which were listed as “assisting officers,” according to the report.

Ruiyang could not be reached for comment.

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