Reserve your weekend for virtual shows and tunes. Kick back and laugh at a stand-up comedian Friday, trade in your Spotify playlist for music from musicians from around the District, then mix up your Sunday by watching a marble racing show.
Tony Woods and Friends Online
DC Improv is hosting Tony Woods, a D.C.-based comedian, for an online comedy show on Zoom. The show will feature some of Woods’ friends in the comedy scene, including Haywood Turnipseed, Alex Scott, Ty Davis, Matt Deakins and Ray Diva. A portion of the proceeds from the event will go toward the COVID-19 Protest Relief Fund, a GoFundMe campaign started to support Black Lives Matter bail funds, protest-related injuries and COVID-19 testing and treatment.
8 p.m. EDT. Register here. Tickets are $5.
Porch Fest 2020
The return of live music is uncertain, but rest assured the masterminds behind Rhode Island Avenue Main Street’s annual Porch Fest event have you covered. The creators of Porch Fest, which was originally scheduled for April but postponed due to the pandemic, drummed up a lineup of artists you can listen to for free from your living room. Tune in to performers like Dave Lange, The Flip Phones and Blackhole Boombox, who will play on makeshift stages on their front stoops across D.C.
Streaming online from 12:10 p.m. to 3:40 p.m. Check out the lineup here. Free.
Jelle’s Marble League 2020
Major league sports are off the table, but you can still unleash your competitive energy at Jelle’s online marble racing tournament, sponsored by HBO’s Last Week Tonight with John Oliver. Marble racing has gained popularity over the past few months since ESPN8: The Ocho began streaming footage last May. During the tournament, choose a team to root for – determined by the marble color – and tune into Sunday’s premiere on the YouTube channel “Jelle’s Marble Runs” to watch.
Online at 4:30 p.m. EDT. Free.