By Eric Lee,Jack Liu, Ari Golub and Akash Pamarthy
Mar 22, 2020 12:31 AM

An empty classroom is seen through a window on the Mount Vernon Campus. Most classes will be held online throughout the rest of the semester.

Chairs have been removed from the basement of Shenkman Hall where Gallery, Dunkin Donuts and Baskin Robbins are located.

There’s no traffic in sight on Rock Creek Parkway at about 5 p.m., when it would typically be rush hour.

A person prepares to throw a ball in the air on the grass next to the Washington Monument. The National Mall is now closed to limit the spread of the virus.

The Woodley Park-Zoo/ Adams Morgan Metro stop on the red line had only one rider on the afternoon of March 16. Metro has adjusted its schedule to limit the spread of the coronavirus.

Chairs in Potomac Park are propped up against tables.

A person walks by Philips Hall holding a cardboard box.

Two people pass the ball on the Mount Vernon Campus tennis courts.

Rome Hall, which holds some arts and science classes, will be mostly empty for the rest of the semester.

Chick-fil-A, like many other GWorld vendors, have closed.

A sign is posted on the door of the Smith Center reading, “Building closed indefinitely.”

A silhouette of the Washington Monument is reflected in a pool of water.

A classroom in the Elliott School of International Affairs, like many other classrooms, will seat no students this semester.

A message from the D.C. artist Absurdly Well reading “wash your hands” is seen on an electrical box.

A visitor wearing a face mask takes a photo of the cherry blossoms during peak bloom.