With all the snow days and weather-related schedule changes this semester, you would think students have been celebrating.
But excess snow days cause students to miss out on classes they pay a lot of money for and can really throw a wrench in class schedules.
For students who are taking 15 credits, missing a three-credit course that meets twice a week means that students lose $183.80 per class.
The University allots time to make up classes, and this year those days are scheduled from May 1 to 3. But three days is not enough to account for the two missed days, five delayed openings and one early closure that students have had so far.
But missed classes are detrimental to both students and professors.
A canceled class means that professors are forced to cram several lessons into one lecture period or cut out information they had previously planned to teach students. Professors must replan their class schedule, which often gives them just enough time to get through course material, and that task is even more difficult if a class is canceled on the day an assignment is due.
Students’ tuition dollars are being wasted on snow days or other canceled classes, but the setback also leads to lower quality education because professors are required to teach material faster and don’t have time to fully address students’ concerns.
While snowfall last month in D.C. was the most since the January 2016 blizzard, the University should be conservative with taking days off. Canceled classes cost students’ money and push professors’ curriculums behind schedule.
Ruby Lunsford, a freshman double-majoring in international affairs and Japanese language and literature, is a Hatchet opinions writer.
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