The Student Association Senate passed a resolution Monday night requiring each of the senate’s committees to create reports on the state of affordability for students at GW.
Each committee, which focuses on a different topic within the University – like student organizations or academics – will submit a report at the end of the academic year with explanations of costs students encounter on campus and detailed recommendations for solutions to reduce those costs.
Sen. Evan Bursey, U-at-Large, who introduced the bill, said the bill fits with the SA’s overall goal to make academics, student life and student organizations more affordable and accessible.
“Affordability is where advocacy is needed most,” Bursey said. “Every student knows how unaffordable the student experience can be at GW.”
SA President Erika Feinman ran on a platform that included improving affordability on campus by reducing co-pays for GW’s health services and lowering the cost of printing.
The senate also passed a bill Monday recognizing University President Steven Knapp following his announcement this summer that this academic year would be his last at GW.
Sen. Logan Malik, U-at-Large, said students should appreciate Knapp’s focus on sustainability, diversity and combatting campus sexual assault.
“He pointed the University in the right direction as far as those issues are concerned,” Malik said.