This is the second in a two-part series in which members of The Hatchet’s opinions section – editors, columnists and writers, representing a range of majors and class years – share what they hope to accomplish in the new year.
If you have yet to make your own resolution for 2016, hopefully our opinions writers’ goals can inspire you.
Melissa Holzberg, a sophomore majoring in political communication, is The Hatchet’s contributing opinions editor.
While classes often consume 99 percent of our lives when we’re on campus, next year I’m resolving to take more time for myself outside of Gelman Library and the classroom. Starting in 2016, I’ll be in my first D.C. internship, so I think it’s the perfect time for me to create a better balance with who I am as a student, and who I am as a 20-year-old woman.
When I began my sophomore year, my goal was to get a 4.0 GPA for the semester. While there is nothing wrong with that goal (and if spring 2016 wants to give that to me, I’m all for it), I will be much happier if I spend more time being with friends and discovering new organizations and parts of D.C. than I will being in Gelman on a Saturday night. Here’s to a happier, less stressful 2016.
Jaggar DeMarco, a senior majoring in political communication, is a Hatchet columnist.
Even though there are seemingly endless food options on campus, sometimes I can’t help feeling like I eat the same thing over and over again. I buy a chicken rice bowl from Chipotle, a chicken teriyaki rice bowl from Poppabox or a chicken kabob rice plate from Roti. (Although I’m not really eating Chipotle anymore. Thanks E. coli.) And I’m just bored with it.
So in 2016 I’m going to make better use of my kitchen and cook a meal at least once a week. Cooking a meal instead of relying on the convenience of carry out restaurants is a true mark of adulthood. As a second semester senior, I need to make some progress in this realm.
I have already started to prepare for this resolution. I purchased a crockpot for my room. I’m reading up on recipes and taking notes when my mom makes dinner while I’m home. I’m setting the bar high for myself. I’m defining a meal as a protein, starch and a vegetable. Bonus points for salads.
Andrew Costello, a senior double-majoring in political science and economics, is a Hatchet opinions writer.
I’m about to enter my final semester of college. Traditionally, resolutions at the start of the new year are directed inward: We target our flaws and try to improve our lives in some measurable way. Nevertheless, to me, so much of student life is spent solitarily, delving into books and papers as well as rushing from home, to class to work, and then back again.
Therefore, I want to resolve to spend more time with the friends that I’ve made and find new experiences in the city. For me, this new year will be about sharing with others the last, triumphant months before a new wind comes and sweeps us all off on new adventures.
Elias Economou, a junior majoring in finance, is a Hatchet opinions writer.
I constantly find myself reading class textbooks, rushing to the end of the chapter hoping to be somewhat prepared for class. In an effort to be more involved in my reading and expand into topics I don’t necessarily pay attention to, in 2016, I hope to read a book outside of class every week and a half.
Talia Balakirsky, a sophomore double-majoring in journalism and political science, is a Hatchet opinions writer.
This coming year, I hope to take advantage of every possible opportunity in D.C. There are tons of amazing museums, events and sites to visit and I would like to make more of an effort to visit everything that makes this city so special.
Soon I will have already completed half of my college experience at GW, and while I have loved all of my experiences on campus, I haven’t done too much exploring in the city. Especially during my internship at the House of Representatives this coming semester, I hope to experience and take advantage of all of the things that makes D.C. one of the most visited places in the nation, if not the world.
Irene Ly, a sophomore majoring in psychology, is a Hatchet opinions writer.
After pondering over possible resolutions for a while, I finally decided that instead of having one major New Year’s resolution I’ll probably forget in a couple weeks, my resolution this year is to simply meet the smaller goals I set for myself in my daily life.
Whether it’s continuing to work out at least twice a week or allowing myself to take a break and do something fun like try out a new restaurant, even when I’m stressed and busy, I’m focused on making my day-to-day life better and more enjoyable. That way, even when midterms and finals come around, I hopefully won’t have as much of an urge to pull my hair out.
Sarah Abdelkahlek, a sophomore majoring in psychology, is a Hatchet opinions writer.
My New Year’s resolution? To improve my binge watching skills, of course. In an eye-opening epiphany, it occurred to me that I am not achieving the level of binge watching I know I am capable of.
Watching three seasons of “Lie to Me” in a matter of a couple days is simply not impressive enough, and neither was watching all of season three of House of Cards the day it was released (please see last semester’s midterm grades for confirmation). I refuse to let another 12 months pass without mastering the true art of binge watching: 2016 will be my year. Netflix and my soon-to-be neglected responsibilities won’t know what hit them.
Aria Vyas, a freshman double-majoring in psychology and biology, is a Hatchet opinions writer.
I want to approach all situations with a positive attitude and a smile. I’ve found that my general outlook really affects the way that my day turns out, so being able to be happy in spite of whatever is going on in my life is something I really hope to incorporate in my daily routine.
Even more so, if I have a positive attitude about my classes and my capabilities, I’ll be able to feel better about my coursework and hopefully do better! I’ve also heard that waking up at the same time every day and keeping a morning routine that doesn’t involve looking at your phone can help your overall attitude for the day, so I think I’ll try doing that (it might even help with all the 8am classes I have this semester).
Yusuf Mansoor, a freshman, is a Hatchet opinions writer.
My first New Year’s resolution is to declare my major, something that I’m required to do, anyway. I also want to get my driver’s license. It’s not something entirely useful in D.C., but back home in Connecticut I think it will come in handy. Finally, like many others, I want to learn how to manage my time a bit better. Now that I am accustomed to GW after a semester, I want to have a more concrete schedule.
Nate Muramatsu, a freshman double-majoring in international affairs and economics, is a Hatchet opinions writer.
In 2016, I plan to spend more time helping others in any way I can. Many of us have found ways to serve our community outside of Foggy Bottom and help D.C. residents who are less fortunate than we are, but we also need to remember that we can do little things every day to help other students around us feel like they’re more at home.
Midterms, finals, hard classes, intimidating essays and big lecture halls can make us feel like we’re small fish in a huge ocean, but in reality, we are smart and successful kids who are just starting to navigate the real world without our parents to watch over us. We’re not in a competition against each other to prove our worth. We’re students who are succeeding together, and we can take a moment each day to encourage someone else and to remind them of this.
Meghana Aghi, a freshman majoring in international affairs, is a Hatchet opinions writer.
In 2016, I want to try and travel to three countries that I’ve never visited. Life has so many adventures to offer and I have had only a microscopic view of them.
I also want to make it a point to spend more time with my parents. They’re always running around for the sake of my happiness and nothing makes me more happy than seeing them smile. Here’s to a wonderful new year everybody!