Video: Scenes from Dupont snowball fight and campus snow day
January 21, 2014
Classes were canceled, snow (sort of) piled on the D.C. streets – so that meant it was time to let the snow balls fly.
Crowds gathered in Dupont Circle at about 6:30. The federal government and most D.C. public schools and universities were closed Tuesday. Charlie Lee | Hatchet PhotographerThe event – advertised on Facebook and by media outlets across the city didn’t just bring out humans. Dogs were in for a fight, too. Charlie Lee | Hatchet PhotographerThere were just two rules: Don’t pelt cars, and don’t pelt police. The rest of the bystanders in Dupont Circle were fair game. Charlie Lee | Hatchet PhotographerThe University announced around 5 a.m. that it would close for the day on Tuesday. Forecasters were calling for about 5 inches of snow, clogging up not only D.C. streets but those in Virginia and Maryland.Erica Christian | Photo EditorThurston Hall, which houses the most freshmen of any residence hall, was filled with students making the most of their snow day. Charlie Lee | Hatchet Photographer